Pal's Handmade Fic Reading Bingo Cards

You are here because of your interest in bingo challenges. I can feel it. This is a page dedicated to the bingos I've made for myself that challenge me to read and comment on the fanfics I read as I go through them. I like to give myself a month to fill them out and see how far I can get with them. The challenge is particularly gratifying, especially as you see crossed-off squares add up. (Oh no, I've gameified my reading hobby!)

Feel free to use them, and if you're on tumblr, tag me @justapalspal so I can see your bingo progress! I don't think anyone else has used them before, but I wanna leave the option open, y'know? Community vibes man. If someone does use them (or has used them before) that would be like, so cool, though. Bingo card mission success.

Challenge Guidelines

The aim of a challenge, should you so choose to complete it, is to:

1) Take as long or as little time as you want!
2) Get as far through a card as you want!
3) Read all the fanfic you want!
4) Comment on that fanfic!

It's really as simple as that!

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Bingo Cards

Pal's Bingo #1

The first bingo card I ever designed for YGO DM over on tumblr. This is the updated version of the card; my first version, which I filled out (almost completely), was a digitally handwritten card (yay drawing tablet!).

I have been told this is ridiculous amounts of difficult looking, but I think it's enough of a challenge to be fun. Maybe I'm just an overachiever in that regard. Take on the challenge at your own risk ;)

Pal's Bingo #2

This second bingo I designed on a whim one day and have yet to personally use, but I did do research for this and found some fics that looked promising to use for the challenge. Thanks also to tiny for reccing me a Jounouchi fic LMFAO.

As an aside... I feel like I need to add more Sera and Diva fic into the world, I frickin' swear LMFAO.

More TBA.

I have ideas for a "I'm a Bakura Ryou Multishipper" Bingo Card (reading for different ships) (this one is actually drafted up) and for a community-generated user-submitted-on-tumblr bingo, maybe. I've been talking about that idea for months and keep getting distracted from it.

We'll see what I get done when I get it done!

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Other Bingo Cards


I have vague ideas as I'm typing this up for a "Pal's Beloved Tropes" bingo card... maybe a YYH bingo card... we shall see if any of that ever happens LMAO.

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