Pal's Conlang Directory

Picture this: Pal has a hobby. A hobby that is a concurrent hobby with a hobby Pal has read a lot of textbooks for fun for over the years (studying linguistics). Pal's scoured subreddit posts and google docs and youtube videos and personal websites of other conlangers and their conlangs, but never shared any of Pal's own.

At least, until now.

This page will serve as a directory page for my conlangs. I'll list summaries of each conlang that link to individual pages with individual reference grammars. These languages all come with their own conworlds and concultures, but I won't go into too terrible a detail of them here. For now, all you need to know is "rynan nehch" and "yamagad" share a universe, "tarken" down to "coastal" share a universe, and everything from "mercurian languages" to "plutonian languages" shares a final universe.

I tend to find heavy consonant clusters aesthetically pleasing, so languages like yamagad's dialects and skvstranaing!o have plenty of that. Digraphs and trigraphs fall in the same boat of aesthetically pleasing for me when transcribing my conlangs with the latin script. I'm also fascinated by ejectives, retroflexes, and stuff like velarized, glottalized, and other -ized consonants. Lexicon building is where most of my languages are lacking, but I do put a lot of effort into crafting sound changes from parent languages to daughter languages. The "wabiawization" in rynan nehch is probably my favorite little jokey series of sound changes I've ever done.

Most of these are multi-year-long projects that I've picked up on and off again as they've inspired me. If some areas are weaker than others, this is why. And anyway, like any art project, no conlang is ever "complete," because you could always tweak something if you really had to.

But anyway. Hope you enjoy my little corner of the creative internet. Happy reading, gang!


rynan nehch

rynan nehch

A language spoken by the rodent-esque aliens of one of my conworlds. One of my oldest projects, actually, probably dating back to 2018-19 or before. Interesting features include its extensive series of retroflexes and pretty intense consonant coda clusters.
View the write up page here. Last updated 8/9/2024.

neighboring dialect

WIP project.

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WIP project.


WIP project.

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desert dialect

My oldest conlanging project, probably over 10 years old at this point.

forest dialect

WIP project.

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cave dweller


WIP project.


WIP project.

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A very old conlanging project of mine. Interesting features include its limited phonemic inventory, positive-negative verbal infixes, and voiced bilabial trill phoneme.

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islander-mainlander pidgin

WIP name for a WIP project.

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WIP name for a WIP project.

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west coastal

WIP name for a WIP project.

east coastal

WIP name for a WIP project.

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mercurian languages

mercurian common

A language from mercury used mostly for business, trade, and international communication. Some of its interesting features include its series of voiceless nasals and series of labiovelars.

View the write up page here. Last updated 8/9/2024.


WIP project. A minority mercurian language.

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venusian languages


WIP project. A lesser developed venusian language.

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martian languages


WIP project. A lesser developed martian language.


WIP project. A lesser developed martian language.

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kaluan languages

kx'alou tsa

One of my personal favorite projects. A moribund language from the planet that became the asteroid belt. Interesting features include its ejectives and lopsided consonant inventory.

View the write up page here. Last updated 8/9/2024

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jovian languages


WIP project. A language for the beings who live on Europa. This one I remember being a pitch-accent language with a decently well developed sound change history developing the pitch-accent aspect of it. I think it also had intervocalic voiced consonant allophones of unvoiced consonant phonemes.

jovian sign

TBA. A signed conlang/consignlang lingua franca idea for the underwater residents of the "shallow sea crevice" (WIP name) pending more study into signed languages in general. The idea currently is to work with aliens who have three fingers per hand, reasonably good vision underwater, and bioluminescence to perhaps aid in sign visibility.

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saturnian languages


WIP project. Undeveloped language for the beings who live on Titan. From what I remember, this one had a conscript focused solely on looking like swirling cursive loops.

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uranian languages

chiyãhra mhãnghã

A language for the beings who live on Uranus' moons. Nicknamed "the nasal lang" in my head on account of its prominent nasal/non-nasal consonant and vowel distinctions.

View the write up page here. Last updated 8/9/2024.

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neptunian languages


WIP project. A language in the concept stage for the beings who live on Triton. Some of its interesting features include its ejectives, short vs. long vowels, and devoiced vowel allophones of voiced vowel phonemes.

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plutonian languages


WIP project. Undeveloped language for the beings who live on Pluto and Charon.

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